Leadership · Personal Development · Wisdom

Deepak Chopra on Becoming a Leader

Came across an article yesterday from one of the greats – Deepak Chopra – where he shares his wisdom on what a leader is, who becomes one and how to become one. It was too good not to share! “A great leader is an agent of change who has clarity of visions and knows how… Continue reading Deepak Chopra on Becoming a Leader

Goals · Intention · Personal Development

Putting out the vibes, which do you choose?

Travelling gives you such an incredible opportunity to take a step out of the details of your day to day life and really look in on your circumstances from a far. It gave me a chance to take a much needed time out and re-evaluate my priorities and values. I was able to look at all of my relationships… Continue reading Putting out the vibes, which do you choose?